Computer Vision News - October‏ 2023

Computer Vision News 6 Sayan has a research internship in Marco Manfredi’s team at Qualcomm XR, working on improving the performance of lifelong SLAM systems and understanding how multimodality could plug into SLAM. “I’mstill a master’s student, so I’m very happy getting exposed to this sort of research,” he smiles. “It’s a journey that started before ETH with Vincent Lepetit, and then with Iro, Marc, and everybody at ETH, it’s continuing!” To learn more about Sayan’s work, visit his poster this Friday at ICCV - Poster session of 14:30-16:30. ICCV Accepted Paper Computer Vision News Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Publisher: RSIP Vision Contact us Give us feedback Free subscription Read previous magazines Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Follow us: Ralph’s photo on the right was taken in lovely, peaceful and brave Odessa, Ukraine.