Computer Vision News - October‏ 2023

43 AI-Assisted Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Computer Vision News MRI-generated images of the prostate and surrounding tissue may be used by physicians to improve biopsies. During a biopsy, the prostate is sampled using a needle that is guided by ultrasound to provide real-time images of the tissue. Detailed MRI scans can be registered with live ultrasound to improve the accuracy of the biopsy and target abnormal tissue. Advanced AI algorithms are being trained to compensate for differences between the ultrasound and MRI images to enhance registration, and thus improve guidance to tumors. In addition, probe tracking provides 3D anatomical information to enhance navigation. At RSIP Vision, we work closely with physicians to improve the prognosis of patients with prostate cancer. Physicians define the ground rules to detect and segment lesions, boundaries, and zones of the prostate. We incorporate these with computer vision and deep learning techniques to provide tools that help radiologists calculate the PI-RADS score in a more objective way and improve guidance during prostate biopsies. Read more articles about Medical Image Analysis and AI for Urology.