Computer Vision News - October‏ 2023

23 Computer Vision News enrolled in Computer Science and ICT represent only 15% and the average salary 5 years after graduation is around 300 euros higher for men! If this data is used by AI systems without cleaning and evaluation, the biases will not only not be overcome, but amplified. "The starting point to counter this drift is to build a collective conscience. The AIxGirls community can become a point of reference for the new generations to achieve gender equality" - Monica said with conviction. “AIxGirls reminds me of when I was 17 and I participated in a summer camp on robotics and biomedical engineering organised by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy) at SIAF.” - Sara said“At that time, [the arrow shows her in the top right photo] I was still unsure of the university curriculum I would have undertaken in a year. I remember I was impressed by both the enthusiasm of the researchers and the research innovation I was completely unaware of. In those days, I decided to become an engineer working in the medical field. After 13 years, being on the other side, as an assistant professor in AI for medical image analysis and lecturer during AIxGirls, fills me with joy. It is like closing a circle.” The Camp is promoted by Fineco Asset Management, the Donne 4.0 Association and Daxo Group, which strongly aim to support female leadership in the professions of the future. AIxGirls