Computer Vision News - October‏ 2023

21 Computer Vision News Each year twenty female students are selected among those from all over Italian high schools through a competitive selection process. The selection takes place with a national call, usually in May, and the girls are evaluated on quantitative criteria, such as grades, and qualitative criteria, such as the motivation to participate in the Camp. This year, we made a call in May and contacted all high schools in Italy. Other than girls from scientific high schools, this year we have also selected girls who are studying at classical high school and other curricula. The Camp had its first edition in July 2022 at the International School of Higher Education (SIAF) in Volterra (Italy). SIAF was jointly conceived in 1999 by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra and Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra, as a training facility based on residency and the availability of a particularly functional and welcoming location, located in one of the most fascinating places in Tuscany. SIAF is a unique structure of its kind in Italy, with a Campus that can accommodate up to 200 guests offering classrooms, recreation areas, services, and teaching aids. Each year, the program of AIxGirls ranges from basic knowledge of AI (supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, natural language processing and image analysis) to ethical, legal, sustainability and social impact aspects relevant to the use of AI in public sectors, as healthcare, and in industry. The faculty is made of a unique talented team of women coming from universities, startups, corporates all belonging to the Donne 4.0 association. AIxGirls