Computer Vision News - November 2023

11 Computer Vision News Tracking Everything… BEST OF ICCV 2023 which led to the team exploring the concept of neural radiance field, a dense representation offering the flexibility needed to optimize scene structure and the mapping between each local and canonical frame. The work opens up opportunities for future extensions, including using similar principles for reconstructing dynamic scenes and enhancing video editing techniques with speed and efficiency improvements. “Compared to other correspondence work, our approach guarantees cycle consistency,” Qianqian points out. “We’re mapping it to 3D space, which allows it to handle occlusion. That’s a nice property because most works on motion estimation remain in 2D. They don’t build a consistent 3D representation of the scene to track.” Qianqian is originally from China but has been in the US since starting her PhD in 2018 and says it is a “very welcoming and inclusive” environment. Her advisors on this project at Cornell Tech were Noah SnavelyandBharath Hariharan. “Noah is the most wonderful advisor in the world,” she smiles. “He’s super caring. He has very creative ideas and guided me through the whole process. We discussed along the way and then figured out the right formulation for the problem. He pointed me to important papers that inspired me to work on this. He’s super helpful, and I appreciate his guidance!” In her new position at UC Berkeley, Qianqian works with two exceptional professors, who are also great friends of our magazine: Angjoo Kanazawa and Alyosha Efros. She is in a transition stage but plans to continue working on motion estimation, 3D reconstruction, and video understanding, particularly finegrained and deep video understanding. She adds that if we better understand motion in a video, we’ll better understand higher-level information, like semantic information. Where does she see herself in 10 years? “That’s a very hard question to answer,” she ponders. “I still want to do research and contribute to the field of computer vision. I hope to find a faculty position in a university and stay in academia, but if that doesn’t work out, I’m also fine to find a research position in industry. I’ll keep doing research. That’s something I know!”