Computer Vision News - May 2023

21 Abby Stylianou paths in my career. One is image retrieval for societally beneficial combating child sexual abuse. The other is thinking about agricultural applications. And where those intersect tome is that it is like thinking about humanity. In agricultural applications, what we're really thinking about is making better crops so that we can feed people better or more healthily or grow things in a climate that is changing very rapidly. Coming up with computer vision-based approaches to understanding the health or the vitality of plants that are in the field at a large scale. I considermyself extremely lucky to have this emphasis on doing something good while at the same time having really interesting computer vision questions to think about. It's also really challenging from an image retrieval perspective. So there have been opportunities for algorithmic development. I'm so happy for you! Tell me something the skills that I learned. And so, I took that as a direction for my career. Then I got introduced to this group of women here in St. Louis called the Exchange Initiative. They had this idea to build a database of hotel room images. Their idea was just to build the database to make it easier for the investigators to scroll through instead of having to go and search on Google Photos or something. I approached them about making this sort of AI-based approach or a machine learning-based approach rather. They were really excited. But it all stems from having helped on this cold case, and then taking that and saying, okay, let's keep that as a focus. It’s not the only thing that I do. In St. Louis, we have a lot of plant science expertise. There's the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. So I also work really significantly on agricultural applications. I have two