Computer Vision News - March 2023

7 nerf2nerf with Lily Goli helpful. He suggested a few problems to see which one I liked, and I thought this was the coolest one. He guided me through every step, gave me many resources to start my knowledge on NeRFs, and did a personal reading course for another student and me. He’s been very supportive through all of this. He also connected me with the second author of this work, Daniel Rebain , a brilliant student and a senior in doing NeRF stuff, so he helped collect the data sets. ” As part of her bachelor’s, Lily did two internships, working with some of the most eminent researchers in the field. While at the Technical University of Munich , supervised by Nassir Navab , her work was accepted at MICCAI 2021 . She also worked on medical imaging at the University of British Columbia with Purang Abolmaesumi . “ Purang is a very kind-hearted professor, ” Lily reveals. “ He takes his lab to lunch every week, which makes the whole team much closer. Having experienced PhD life now, I can see that’s rare. He has a very friendly group and creates that atmosphere himself. ” Register now for ICRA 2023 at ExCeL London from 29 May to learn more about Lily's work and many more. medical teams perform an ultrasound during an intervention and use NeRF technology to register the real-time ultrasound with a pre-intervention CT or MRI , allowing them to make decisions during the operation? “ It could potentially exist, ” Lily muses. “ NeRFs are very fast nowand can be trained with 3D or sparse 3D information, and then you can register them. However, I’ve only performed rigid transformations, which is a good baseline for medical applications, but deformable registration is usually needed. Some works are pointing towards that, so it should be the next step in NeRF registration for medical purposes. ” Before arriving in Canada only a couple of years ago, Lily was a bachelor’s student in Iran. She graduated with high honors from the Sharif University of Technology and then took a direct PhD. “ This was my first project as a PhD student, so the adjustment was hard for me, ” she recalls. “ Andrea [Tagliasacchi] was very