Computer Vision News - June 2023
36 ICLR 2023 Workshop with challenges in its trustworthiness such as lack of explainability, generalization, fairness, privacy, etc. Improving the credibility of machine learning is hence of great importance to enhance the trust and confidence of doctors and patients in using the related techniques. Machine learning (ML) has achieved or even exceeded human performance in many healthcare tasks, owing to the fast development of ML techniques and the growing scale of medical data. However, ML techniques are still far from being widely applied in practice. Real-world scenarios are farmore complex, andML is often faced Hao Chen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He leads the Smart Lab focusing on AI in healthcare and serves as an Associate Director in Center of Medical Imaging and Analysis, HKUST. He has also organized the very first ICLR 2023 workshop on Trustworthy Machine Learning for Healthcare (TML4H) this year. Luyang Luo , the co-organizer of TML4H and also a postdoctoral fellow from the Smart lab, is here to share the recent news on the workshop and what to expect afterwards. TML4H: ICLR WORKSHOP ON TRUSTWORTHY MACHINE LEARNING FOR HEALTHCARE Hao Chen Luyang Luo
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