Computer Vision News - January 2023
41 with Stamatia (Matina) Giannarou surgeon Daniel Leff talked about using imaging to guide him during operations and identify the margins of tumors. General surgeon Pietro Mascagni spoke about surgical data science, skill analysis, and how these can help train surgeons. “ We had talks from academics working purely on medical applications as well as people like Federico Tombari , who works a lot on natural scenes but applies some of his expertise to medical applications, ” Matina tells us. “ Delegates get ideas about other domains and how they can transfer methods from other domains to their work. They see the clinical requirements and gaps and understand what surgeons actually need. This knowledge can help them to translate what they have developed. It’s nice to do blue sky research, but if you work closely with clinicians, you can make your work more applicable. ” Industry talks included Intel , who sent a team of engineers and clinicians to present their new computer vision AI platform, Intel Geti . Between them, Eugene Lui, Claire Hogg, Thomas Burgoyne, and Mathieu Bottiershowedboththeplatform’stechnical Why is their work valuable? ” The school first opened its doors in 2013. This year, it hosted 32 delegates, including PhD andmaster’s students with engineering backgrounds, clinicians, andpeoplefromthe industry. A limited number of scholarships are available each year. Participants come mainly from Europe, but also Asia and the US. Most notably, this time, there was an almost 50-50 gender split. “ Forourlectures,weinvitethebestacademics in surgical vision and imaging, and each present on their area of expertise, ” Matina continues. “ We talk about fundamentals and the current state of the art in surgical imaging . We cover methods including 3D reconstruction, surgical navigation, surgical data science, intraoperative registration, deep learning methods, multimodal image fusion, augmented reality, and robotic vision – how we can use surgical vision to guide robots. ” For the clinical talks, neurosurgeon Hani Marcus spoke about the challenges in neurosurgery and the robots and navigation tools he’s developing to assist. Breast
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