Computer Vision News - August 2023

Computer Vision News 20 AI Spotlight News New Chapters of Machine Learning Interviews Book! Our readers already know about the exceptional book by awesome Chip Huyen: Designing Machine Learning Systems. Apparently, O’Reilly is publishing another excellent ML book, this one by Susan Shu Chang: Machine Learning Interviews. We can already read some of the chapters at the following link: ReadMore Computer Vision News has found great new stories, written somewhere else by somebody else. We share them with you, adding a short comment. Enjoy! Training CV to Think Like the Brain Enhances Performance and Robustness This is an article by Cryptopolitan, but don’t worry, it doesn’t talk about crypto currencies. It is about an intriguing work by MIT and IBM aiming at aligning computer vision with human vision. They think this has the potential to advance the field and deepen our understanding of biological neural networks. Science knows which part of the brain is the one humans and monkeys rely on for object recognition. The MIT researchers led by James DiCarlo have made a computer vision model more robust by training it to work like that part. ReadMore How photonics is revolutionizing convolutional neural networks This nice piece by Eurekalert relates how researchers have turned to photonics as a means to enhance convolutional neural networks in a way that consumes less power and requires less memory, which is not mean feat for current voracious CNNs. The study was originally published on Intelligent Computing journal and all the authors of this EU H2020 work come from Greek universities. ReadMore