Computer Vision News - September 2022
44 MICCAI 2022 Tutorial the community and organically converging on a standard set of best practices. MONAI targets medical image computing (MIC) and the computer-assisted intervention (CAI) communities . It is an extension of PyTorch that includes specialized deep learning components and architectures and provides a customizable interface to bring these components to MONAI is the Medical Open Network for AI . Createdwith the goal of accelerating the pace of research and development, Project MONAI provides a common software foundation and a vibrant community for medical imaging deep learning . These goals help improve reproducibility by not only being used as a framework for development but comparison, evaluation, and benchmarking by bringing together DEVELOPING FOR THE MEDICAL AI PROJECT LIFECYCLE WITH MONAI Michael Zephyr is a Developer Evangelist at NVIDIA and the MONAI Adoption and Outreach Working Group Lead. He is co-organizing the “Developing for the Medical AI Project Lifecycle with MONAI” tutorial alongside speakers from the MONAI Developer Community, including core developers from NVIDIA, King’s College London, and Mayo Clinic.
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