Computer Vision News - November 2022
62 AI for histopathology Enlarged (Inset area) ROI 1 +AI summary Sarcoma Cancer Ki-67 Classification and Cou Identification of ROI areas (1-5) for AI classification for Ki-67 Positive and Negative counts Whole Slide Image (WSI) of right thigh mass resection for Sarcoma (IHC) Module ID: Qritive IHC AI v1.0 Timestamp: 2022-07-29 08:27:20 Total Tissue area: 182.22 mm² Total ROI area: 3.85 mm² Slide Classification Results: Ki 67 positive Confidential Enlarged (Inset area AI summary Colon Cancer Grading AI Module AI classification of Benign + Malignant areas Whole Slide Image (WSI) of Descending Colon Biopsy Module ID: Qritive Colon A Timestamp: 2020-10-15 09 Slide Classification Results
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