Computer Vision News - November 2022
39 Glaucoma and Segmentation Loss visualisation Here we visualize the change in accuracy and loss during training and plotting the log dice loss Final stage! And now let’s look at how to model and our segmentation is performing! test_s=int(X_testc.shape[0]) test_s=test_s-test_s%8 test_s 112 # Defining metrics again smooth=1e-07 Dice mean= 0.83547586 Std= 0.103501074 best= 0.9616514 worst= 0.5241682 IOU mean= 0.73005486 Std= 0.14256199 best= 0.92613536 worst= 0.35516796 image #11 0.9616514 image #39 0.5241682 CPU times: user 4.77 s, sys: 25.1 ms, total: 4.8 s Wall time: 5.63 s
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