Computer Vision News - November 2022

34 Computer Vision Tool Hi again! Thismonth’s issue is really special for me as it includes some state-of-the-art techniques, so you can experience scientific code in the works! The code is tested but as some parts were removed for brevity, feel free to reach out and I’ll try to solve any problems arising! Of course, do the same if you havemore ideas, examples, and requests. Thank you kindly for always sending nice words and suggestions for future issues. Let's always be kind to people around us, educate and be patient! Keep up the amazing work you are doing in your life, professional and academic world, and most of all: enjoy it  Glaucoma and segmentation Glaucoma is a highly threatening and widespread ocular disease which may lead to a permanent loss of vision. One of the important parameters used for Glaucoma screening is the cup-to-disc ratio (CDR), which requires accurate segmentation of the optic cup and disc. Glaucoma is a disorder which may lead to blindness and currently affects a large number of people worldwide. The assessment of the Optic Disc (OD) and optic cup is important for diagnosis and it’s doneusing 2Dcolor fundus images. Cupping signifies anenlargement of the cupduetothe lossofopticnervefibers. Theenlargementof thecupconcerningOD,measured as a vertical cup- to-disc ratio (CDR) is one of the most important indicators of the disease. This necessitates a c c u r a t e segmentation of the optic cup and disc.  Here are some examples taken from Sharath M’s paper about Joint Optic disc and cup segmentation GLAUCOMA AND SEGMENTATION