Computer Vision News - November 2022
21 Angela Dai The second part of my question was about Europe. Europe? So that's actually funny because I think Europe and the U.S are much more similar in culture, but it meant that I noticed a lot of these small things that are different, much more than I would have otherwise. How do we receive gifts in Europe? Much more similar to America. [ laughs ] That's not so much of a thing, but now that I've been there for a few years, I definitely feel more comfortable feeling like I have a home in Munich now. I guess getting used to living there, the general sentiment and attitude of people, and sort of the university environment, I definitely feel more Californian. There's definitely a small part of me that feels like, hey, this is my home in Munich! Do you see yourself continuing your life in Europe in the midterm? It's a definite possibility. I just want to do some cool research with some cool people, so I'll go where that is. large. Many things were very confusing to me. I mean, just small, benign things like how do you receive a gift? This is very different between the two cultures, so I was always very confused at birthday parties. [ laughs ] From the outside eyes, it seems that you solve this contradiction very well and easily. Can you share some of your insights? I think for me, it came a bit more naturally because when I was a kid, all of my friends were at least living in America, even if they didn't fully have American or Californian identities themselves. That helps tie you to a place, right? If all of your friends are there, the environment, routine, and habits. Even going to certain places for food, the parks, movies, and other stuff for fun. Did you ever feel treated like a non- American? Well, here and there may be small things, but I would say I've been lucky enough that there was never anything significant, so that's definitely very nice. BEST OF ECCV
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