Computer Vision News - May 2022
54 MICCAI Challenge thought into designing this challenge and curating the data. They are still working on collecting additional data from their clinical collaborators, which is all manually annotated to get the ground truth and provide a clear picture of the metric that will be used to evaluate the challenge. The team recognizes the potential for metric failure and has introduced a 2% tolerance for the predicted anatomical curves with respect to the ground truth. “ We’re doing our best to pose a great challengewithametric thatwill beclinically landmarks are critical for registration and which are not . If they always keep that in mind, they’ll be successful! ” Compared to other organs, the liver does notmovemuch,which is oneof the reasons the team picked it for this first edition of the challenge. However, preoperative to intraoperative laparoscopy fusion can be performed with other organs, and the plan is to explore this in future editions. Sharib and his fellow organizers – Adrien, Yueming Jin, Yamid Espinel López, and LenaMaier-Hein – have put a great deal of
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