Computer Vision News - May 2022
32 BEST PAPER ISBI 2022 In terms of her own future, Vatsala says she is still pondering what to do once she has completed her studies. “ As a PhD student here, my work is divided into two, ” she points out. “ Research –working on these new concepts and figuring out problems – and being a teaching assistant.” What if she had to pick one? “ I would choose research, ” she reveals. “ Even in academia, many researchers also teach, but I think research is the most enjoyable part! ” “ With a hybrid conference, you have to prepare your talk in advance, so I had plenty of time to go over my notes and all the work we had done, ” she says. “ Obviously, there were some nerves before the presentation started, but I was well prepared! ” Thinking about the next steps for this work, whilst this paper is focused on PET and CT, she would like to explore whether the framework could work for other problems, bothwithinandoutsideofmedical imaging, and if it could be extended to non-vision tasks . The proposed framework is uncertainty aware, i.e. along with predicted outputs, it also provides the uncertainty maps associated with the outputs. These are obtained as the standard deviation of the Generalized Gaussian distribution that the network produces as output. These are shown in this image, where higher supervision during training leads to lower uncertainty.
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