Computer Vision News - May 2022
10 Computer Vision Tool Asyoumightbeexpecting, since the last tutorial on MediaPipe showed a hand detection algorithm, building these solutions on Android requires a camera. Hence, if you are setting up an emulator, don’t forget to link your camera to it. Press on the pencil button (Fig.2) linked to the chosen device and change the settings for your front and back camera. You should be ready to run any of the three available example solutions available through MediaPipe for Android. These are the Face Detection, Face Mesh and Hands examples. It’s fundamental that if you are running this without GPU support, you set the variable RUN_ON_GPU (Fig.1) to ‘false’ in the Main Activity file for each example. We have completed all the necessary steps to build our examples. You should now be able to test the app on your chosen device. We tried the Face mesh and Hands solution with the Pixel 2 XL emulator: results below! Figure 2: Screenshot of Advanced Device settings in Android Studio to setup camera for testing MediaPipe solutions.
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