Computer Vision News - March 2022
56 Medical Imaging Grand Challenge Francesco Ciompi is Assistant Professor of Computational Pathology in the Department of Pathology at Radboud University Medical Center, and part of the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group. Mart van Rijthoven is a PhD student under his supervision, Witali Aswolinskiy is a postdoc in his group working on whole-slide image classification, and Leslie Tessier is a resident pathologist and PhD student in the same research group, under the supervison of Prof. Jeroen van der Laak. All four are co-organizing the first TIGER (Tumor InfiltratinG lymphocytes in breast cancER) Grand Challenge, which runs until the end of April. They are here to tell us what it is all about. Breast cancer is themost common formof cancer worldwide and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women. But not all breast cancers are the same . Some patients will have a better prognosis than others. The key question for clinicians is how best to treat each patient to ensure the most favorable outcome . In classifying breast cancer , three main tests are carried out for the hormonal receptors, estrogen receptor ( ER ) and progesterone receptor ( PR ), and the human epidermal growth factor receptor ( Her2 ). “ If the tumor is positive to any of these tests, it gets a label, ” Leslie tells us. “ If it’s negative to all three tests, it’s called a triple negative. Her2 positive and triple-
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