Computer Vision News - March 2022

35 TSA Planning Based on Shoulder MRI use existing imaging modalities rather than acquiring additional scans. Furthermore, a CT scan is contraindicated for some patients, such as pregnant women, and this tool can be used as it does not require ionizing radiation. Our team of computer-vision experts is currently working on expanding the use of this tool for other anatomies (e.g. knee) and soft tissue (e.g. tendons). This may change the concept of orthopedic surgical planning - from CT to MRI based planning. anotherFCN,trainedtoenhancethemodel’s resolution. The input to this network is the humerus and scapula segmentation file from the MRI scan, and the output is an enhanced 3D reconstructed model of the shoulder bones, with superior resolution . Both networks are based on U-Net architecture . The input to the network is the MRI scan or the output of the previous network - the shoulder segmentation. The output in the final layer is a 3-channels probability map of the same shape, indicating how likely each voxel is to be a part of the background, humerus, or scapula. This final model’s resolution is equivalent to that of a CT-based model . It can be used to measure the bones and assess compatibility of specific implants. This model was created with state of the art AI to obviate the need for a CT scan . The main benefits of this tool is the ability to RSIP Vision has a proven track record in computer vision solutions for medical devices, specifically in orthopedic devices. Our talented engineers and clinicians can add the TSA planning tool from MRI to your portfolio, efficiently and swiftly. For more information, contact us today!