Computer Vision News - June 2022

2 Editorial Computer Vision News Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Engineering Editors: Marica Muffoletto Ioannis Valasakis Publisher: RSIP Vision Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Dear reader, It’s a significant month for the computer vision community as CVPR returns with its first in-person conference in three years in the eclectic city of New Orleans. RSIP Vision and Computer Vision News will be there, and we’re so excited to meet all of you! We’ll be publishing four new CVPR Dailies across the week. Receive them in your inbox daily from 21 June by subscribing to our initiative: Feel at CVPR as if you were at CVPR! With CVPR in mind, turn to page 4 for a preview of the Computational Cameras and Displays workshop with co- organizer Emma Alexander . Also, on page 10, Marica Muffoletto has reviewed a brilliant CVPR paper with Ukrainian co-authors: Is Mapping Necessary for Realistic PointGoal Navigation ? Computer Vision aficionados will adore our review of Liberty Defense’s HEXWAVE , a revolutionary approach to security screening using 3D imaging and AI . Find out more on page 18. We love bringing you the BEST of the BEST, and that is why we review not one, not two, but three award-winning papers this month. On page 14, learn about bootstrapped meta-learning with the winner of an Outstanding Paper Award at ICLR 2022 . We also speak to the winners of the Best Paper Award (page 36) and Best Demo Award (page 40) at CRAS 2022 about innovative new platforms for robot-assisted surgery . It’s never too early to talk about MICCAI , and we’ve got the inside scoop on September’s main event from General Chair Shuo Li . Read our interview on page 46. We also have a preview of the HECKTOR challenge on page 58. Enjoy reading all this rich content and more in June’s edition of Computer Vision News and our supplement Medical Imaging News. Next month, we’ll have an extraordinary BEST OF CVPR section. You won’t want to miss it! Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News Marketing Manager, RSIP Vision Follow Us This photo was taken in peaceful, lovely and brave Odessa, Ukraine.