Computer Vision News - July 2022

BEST OF CVPR 36 CVPR Workshop The 9th edition of the CVPR Medical Computer Vision was held on Sunday in a hybrid format. The workshop is hosted by Mathias Unberath (Johns Hopkins University), Yuyin Zhou (University of California, Santa Cruz), Nicolas Padoy (University of Strasbourg, France), Tal Arbel (McGill University, Canada), Qi Dou (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Vasileios Belagiannis (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg). The CVPRMCVworkshopprovides a unique forumfor researchers and developers in academia, industry and healthcare to present, discuss and learn about cutting-edge advances in machine learning and computer vision for medical image analysis and computer-assisted interventions. The workshop aims to bring together stakeholders interested in leveraging medical imaging data, machine learning and computer vision algorithms to build the next generation of tools and products to advance image- based healthcare. by Yuyin Zhou and Mathias Unberath