Computer Vision News - July 2022

BEST OF CVPR 11 Fabio Cermelli & Dario Fontanel teammates and others in the same field,” Dario responds. “That allows the community to grow and develop new ideas.” Fabio agrees: “I encourage everyone to continue bringing brave ideas to the community and trying new paths. Somethingnew, challenging, andapplicable in the real world.” We point out that he may be creating next year’s competition. He smiles: “Exactly. We hope so!” other papers to be presented at CVPR this year. “We’ve proposed a simple yet effective solution to this problem that has achieved the highest performance compared to the current state of the art, and that could be extended in many different ways,” Dario points out. Do they have any advice for others in a growingfieldwithsuchstrongcompetition? “It’s crucial to collaborate with other people and exchange ideas with your