Computer Vision News - February 2022
48 Presentation from WACV 2022 Johannes Paetzold @jocpae is coming to the end of his PhD at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), under the supervision of Professor Bjoern Menze. Izabela Horvath is pursuing a PhD at TUM under the supervision of Professor Menze, as well as being a PhD candidate at the Erturk-Lab, Helmholtz Munich, under Ali Ertürk, where Johannes leads the AI Team. Their joint paper proposing a novel generative method for light sheet microscopy was just presented by Johannes at WACV 2022 in Hawaii. Sadly, Izabela was unable to travel due to administrative reasons. However, we are pleased to say they are both here now to tell us more about their work. METGAN: GENERATIVE TUMOUR INPAINTING AND MODALITY SYNTHESIS IN LIGHT SHEET MICROSCOPY Izabela Horvath Johannes Paetzold
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