Computer Vision News - February 2022
30 AI Research in cardiology by Marica Muffoletto @maricaS8 Hi everyone and welcome to another great issue of Computer Vision News! This month we review a paper called Automated Echocardiographic Detection of Severe Coronary Artery Disease using Artificial Intelligence whose authors ( Ross Upton, Angela Mumith, Arian Beqiri, Andrew Parker, William Hawkes & all others ) we deeply thank for allowing us to use their images. The paper is born from a collaboration between academics (at the University of Oxford, the Canterbury Christ Church University, the Knight Cardiovascular Institute in Oregon and the Department of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering in King’s College London) and the company Ultromics, a start-up leader in proposing fully automated solutions for echo imaging. We also thank Sarah Jackson, Marketing Manager at Ultromics, for her kind support. This paper is a real gem which bridges clinical relevance with novel AI solutions, hence we are eager to share its details with all our readers. The focus of the study, very much in line with the vision of the company itself, is to automatically detect Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), one of the major causes of mortality and whose current diagnostic methods are time-consuming, can suffer from inter- and intra-observer variability and need to rely on adequate training from clinicians. Hence, the paper aims to specifically show how AI can be a reliable source of disease detection and a viable option for future classification of CAD, to reduce the AUTOMATED ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC DETECTION OF SEVERE CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
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