Computer Vision News - December 2022

19 Gül Varol a difficult one. We have spoken a bit about the past and the present. Where is Gül going in the future? I’m not going anywhere! [ she laughs ] Obviously, things change quite fast, so it’s difficult to estimate what will happen next year. With the human motion project, I ask myself sometimes: If my research is only applicable to entertainment, is it useful enough? For example, I want to go a bit more into the medical applications of human motion. A personal issue I’m having is foot pain while walking. Many people have this, apparently, and it’s a big unknown because the human body is very complex. You move one point in the body, and it destroys the whole posture and goes all the way back to the feet usually. I’m in contact with the Institute of Podology. They’re training the doctors who make better shoes for people. I’m in contact with them to define their problems and see whether we can help because they have the data, and people in dynamic motion is my expertise. Gül’s PhD defense. From left to right: Iasonas Kokkinos, Marc Pollefeys , Ivan Laptev, Francis Bach, Andrew Zisserman, and Cordelia Schmid.