Computer Vision News - December 2022

17 Gül Varol You are a researcher and a teacher. How do you find juggling both? Myposition inFrance is abit non-standard. It’s equivalent to Assistant Professor, but my main job is research. I do a little less teaching than most other professors, but I like it a lot. I had a three-hour lecture last night, quite late in the evening, and I was really happy about it. I know you have students working and progressing with you. How big is your team? I work with 7-8 people, but they’re all scattered, so not necessarily in Paris. It’s always co-supervised with multiple people. Basically, I’m not doing the work; they’re doing the work, and I’m doing the talking! [ Gül laughs ] Well, there could bemany answers to that! A lot of applications are in entertainment for things like gaming and the film industry. People do motion capture in studios with expensive equipment, and collecting that is very difficult, whereas automatically generating it is cheap and free. That is the main motivation. Beyond entertainment, it could be used for any human-computer interaction, even health. We’ll see where that goes. You are dedicating your best years to this work. That can’t be just so that people can play better games. Do you have another motivation? The real reason is to generate automatic training data, but that’smore of a research than a real-world application.