Computer Vision News - April 2022
48 MCV Workshop at CVPR person – including me! ” With the pace of innovation in this field, are we likely to see the Medical Computer Vision Workshop remain a feature of CVPR for a long time to come? “ Yes, and I think there should be more workshops of this type, ” Yuyin responds enthusiastically. Mathias agrees: “ Most people have been focusing on a small subset of problems that exist in healthcare, for which we have solutions that work reasonably well. But there are many other areas that we haven’t even begun to explore yet. Once we get there, we’ll need a whole different set of solutions. ” Yuyin adds, finally: “ In the future, maybe we will encourage paper submissions in addition to the keynote talks to address these remaining problems. Issues like ethical concerns need further discussion too. There is plenty still to talk about for many years to come! ” featured in our magazine in October 2021 when she was a Stanford postdoc! They are joined on the organizing team by other workshop stalwarts bringing with them a rich set of experiences, including Nicolas Padoy (University of Strasbourg, France), Tal Arbel (McGill University, Canada), Qi Dou (The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong), and Vasileios Belagiannis (Universität Ulm, Germany). The exact format of the event is still being ironed out and is likely to feature some hybrid elements. With the community separated for the past two years, some people in attendance will have never been to an in-person CVPR workshop before. “ What we’re seeing is that the community hasn’t been together, but people have also abandoned the idea that it is strictly necessary to be at every conference, ” Mathias points out. “ People are thinking twice about whether they need to travel now. Of course, many people are eagerly waiting to be back in A look at Yuyin’s work
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