Computer Vision News - April 2022
39 Vision-Surgery.AI “ But the information we’re gathering will be a guidance tool for surgeons as to what can contribute to failure in surgery. Drivers don’t know how likely they are to have an accident and what will cause it. Hundreds of things can impact a driver’s behavior and lead to an accident. We’re not talking about linear models. It’s the same for surgery. Human beings alone cannot isolate the risks that lead to failure. ” If this article has piqued your interest in the company, youmight be pleased to hear that Vision Surgery AI is hiring! Currently, it has eight staff but is looking to be 20-30 people by the end of the year. algorithm predicts what could happen in the operating room. Charité Berlin will be the first university hospital in Europe to allow us to use them as a pilot. ” Thinking about what might go wrong, Karim reflects on the analogy of the autopilot driving the car and the fact that insurance companies are unwilling to insure those cars because they do not yet achieve 100% accuracy. “ In our case, we’re not going to have a robot that will perform a surgery just yet – it will take a few years, ” he points out. Karim Tamir
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