Computer Vision News - April 2022

37 Vision-Surgery.AI capture as much data as possible, which is used to detect anomalies in movement and behavior and analyzed to provide insights into how successful the surgery has been. The data is completely anonymized, meaning the team can avoid compliance issues around healthcare data. “ Nobody will give you data unless you can demonstrate they are anonymized, they are not going to be sold, and will not be misused, ” Karim explains. “ We wanted to avoid needing doctor sign- off, as we’d get nowhere fast. It’s like the autopilot in a self-driving car from Tesla or Google. The program tracks as much data as possible so the algorithm can identify where to go, not go, and how to avoid an accident. If these companies asked people on the streets or taxi drivers, they wouldn’t get anywhere. Just gather as much data as you can! AI and machine learning can give you a much better assessment of it. We have the tools and the science to do it, so let’s use them. ” Vision Surgery AI is working with MIT , the University of Munich , and Charité Berlin , one of the biggest university hospitals in Europe, and is looking to collaborate with others worldwide. Together, Karim says Karim Tamir is the President, CEO, and co-founder of Vision Surgery AI, a software and technology company using the power of computer vision and deep learning to track movement and objects in the operating room. He speaks to us about its work and how it plans to have an impact on healthcare and robotics to ultimately improve patient outcomes. Vision Surgery AI has developed a surgical AI platform that uses computer vision and deep learning techniques, including image and video data processing, to track landmarks and key points for human pose estimation and perform object detection and classification for instrument recognition. Karim tells us the focus is not on patient- specific risk or any direct assessment of surgeons but instead on gathering surgical data to explore risk areas related to the surgical environment. High-performance cameras installed in the operating theatre