Computer Vision News - September 2021

2 Summary Co puter Vision Tool 4 App Designer , a MATLAB interactive development environment which will give you the opportunity to easily translate your matlab code into an app . For the readers who have been familiar with MATLAB GUI environments in the last years, App Designer is basically the new alternative of the outdated GUIDE environment. It provides a fully integrated version of the MATLAB Editor and a large set of interactive UI components. “It also offers a grid layout manager to organize your user interface, and automatic reflow options to make your app detect and respond to changes in screen size. It lets you distribute apps by packaging them into installer files directly from the App Designer toolstrip, or by creating a standalone desktop or web app (requires MATLAB Compiler™) .” There is a good documentation for App Designer online, but for some specific questions and tips, you might find the wonderful MathWorks community and its forums much more useful. Hi everybody, here we are again, slowly getting back to our routines after the summer. This month I will keep on talking about GUIs and how to create a small app from a project of yours. While last time we looked at how to do that using Streamlit for Python (check out the article here! ), today we will follow up with an introduction to App Designer for MatLab by Marica Muffoletto