Computer Vision News - September 2021

% Code that executes after component creation function startupFcn (app) % Configure image axes app.ImageAxes.Visible = 'off'; app.ImageAxes.Colormap = gray( 256 ); axis(app.ImageAxes, 'image'); % Location of the compressed data set url = ' '; % Store the output in a temporary folder downloadFolder = tempdir; filename = fullfile(downloadFolder,'flower_dataset.tgz'); % Uncompressed data set imageFolder = fullfile(downloadFolder,'flower_photos'); if ~exist(imageFolder,'dir') % download only once disp('Downloading Flower Dataset (218 MB)...'); websave(filename,url); untar(filename,downloadFolder) end imds = imageDatastore(imageFolder, 'LabelSource', 'foldernames', 'IncludeSubfolders',true); % Load pretrained network = resnet50(); % Training and Test set [trainingSet, app.testSet] = splitEachLabel(imds, 0.3 , 'randomize'); % Create augmentedImageDatastore from training and test sets to resize images in imds to the size required by the network. app.imageSize = 1 ).InputSize; augmentedTrainingSet = augmentedImageDatastore(app.imageSize, trainingSet, 'ColorPreprocessing', 'gray2rgb'); augmentedTestSet = augmentedImageDatastore(app.imageSize, app.testSet, 'ColorPreprocessing', 'gray2rgb'); % Get the network weights for the second convolutional layer w1 = 2 ).Weights; % Scale and resize the weights for visualization w1 = mat2gray(w1); w1 = imresize(w1, 5 ); montage(w1,'Parent',app.FeaturesAxes); featureLayer = 'fc1000'; % Update the image and histograms updateimage(app,'daisy'); trainingFeatures = activations ( , augmentedTrainingSet, featureLayer, 'MiniBatchSize', 32 , 'OutputAs', 'columns'); % Get training labels from the trainingSet 3 Summary Su mary 04 12 16 18 22 24 30 37 App Designer for MatLab Computer Vision Tool by Marica Muffoletto Kuan Fang Congrats, Doctor! Upcoming Events A Preview with the General Chair MICCAI 2021 Dorsa Sadigh Women in Science AI Spotlight News AI-based Registration for Orthopedic... Medical Imaging Project 30 24 12 37 16 04 22 18 Deep Learning and Microbiome Deep Learning Research by Ioannis Valasakis