Computer Vision News - October 2021
2 Summary 6 UDC device (b) shows flare effects near strong light sources, while for the monitor- generated LDR scene (c) with a limited dynamic range, these are no longer visible. Moreover, the authors introduce a second experiment to show the importance of using real HDR scenes in the image formation model to correctly model the real degradation of a typical UDC system. The image below illustrates a scene clipped from LDR on the left, and HDR on the right, where the flare artifacts caused by diffraction effects are only visible in the latter. As last contribution, the paper presents a DynamIc Skip Connection Network (DISCNet) that incorporates the domain knowledge of the UDC image formation model to get rid of the diffraction artefacts in the UDC images. This is found within a main restoration branch which builds upon an encoder- decoder architecture with skip connections to restore the degraded images. The Compute Vision Research
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