Computer Vision News - October 2021
52 Women in Science Best of MICCAI 2021 Let’s say that I’m your little brother, and I want to start teaching. What advice would you give me? The first thing you need to pay attention to is first of all, you need to prepare the classes. It’s a mistake to imagine that you just go in there. If you have a background in machine learning, you can’t just go there and rely on that background. You have to prepare. The second thing that you definitely need to do is guide the students. That will make a big difference in the way you teach. As I try to engage with the students, to make them talk to me, tell me their difficulties and if they understand. That allows me to conduct the class. How do you engage them? It’s difficult to engage people! Yes! Especially in this Covid time. Everyone is just taking classes online. Share your secret with us please! [ laughs ] In these 30-student classrooms, at a certain point, you start to know their names. You can try to call them by their names. That’s something I did for the Zoom classes. I remember some students were more talkative than others. I remember saying: “ I want to hear a different voice. ” I asked them to try to talk to me. Just looking at their faces, I don’t understand if they are following what I’m saying or not. If you are solving a problem, try to make them solve a problem with you. It’s hard. Like I said, it depends on the shift. Some students are very proactive, some aren’t. Some are afraid to fail. “Opening up our work to others!”
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