Computer Vision News - November 2021

56 Medical Imaging Tool Welcome all to a new article dedicated to a medical imaging tool. Today, instead of reviewing something completely new, we will take a step back to our September article from last year , and dive more into the potentialities of the 3D Slicer software. As a powerful open-source platform dedicated to the analysis and visualization of medical images, 3D Slicer also allows the Python scripting for 3D Slicer by Marica Muffoletto users to customize their experience and extend the modules’ behavior through the interaction with Python scripts. Today we are going to explore how to do that in two different ways! Option 1: Start a Python interactor window pressing on CTRL+3 (Windows/Linux), or cmd+3 (Mac). This option allows the user to directly insert code in a new rectangular window which appears at the bottom of the GUI, and simultaneously interacts with it. Installing a library with pip can be done both from terminal using: Or from the window itself: Any snippet of Python code can be tried out here but note that to properly interact with the software tools, you will need to call the right classes and functions from Slicer. The following lines of code, for example, load a sample image from a downloaded brain MR dataset. /path/to/Slicer-X.Y.Z-plat-arch/bin/PythonSlicer -m pip ... pip_install('scipy' )