Computer Vision News - November 2021

2 Summary Poster Presentation 6 Best of ICCV 2021 The neural texture enables the model to store global information about the scene , such as the location of vessels, in 3D space and thus these details can be rendered consistently across different viewpoints. One of the work’s main achievements was combining the two areas of neural rendering and image translation . In image translation, there has been a lot of work done on unsupervised learning, but in neural rendering, that is not really the case. In neural rendering, people have been doing amazing research in how to make this pipeline differentiable, but they have been looking at the supervised setting. Dominik and his colleagues have been trying to combine these two areas and make the 3D neural rendering unsupervised also . He thinks the work could have an impact in the real world sooner rather than later. “ We’re not directly designing an assistance system, but rather we’re providing the data to evaluate or to train other systems, ” he tells us. “ We’re providing an evaluation platform for other methods . We hope that this way we can help other researchers show their methods are useful. In turn, that will support better translation. ” In terms of next steps for this work, one issue with the current method the team would like to solve is that it always has to make some assumptions , particularly in the unsupervised setting, to make sure that what it’s learning