Computer Vision News - May 2021

8 Computer Vision Research Perspective? The brain disorders can be assessed by detecting the ocular characteristics, but the exclusion of the eye disease situation should be considered. AI can provide a robust framework for patients with brain disorders. There are other methods such as gene therapy but those are more towards helping the next generation. AI can help in the present time and that’s a very important attribute! Wrapping up! Real-time ocular responses are tightly associated with emotional and cognitive processing within the central nervous system. Patterns seen in saccades, pupillary responses, and spontaneous blinking, as well as retinal microvasculature and morphology visualized via office-based ophthalmic imaging, are potential biomarkers for the screening and evaluation of cognitive and psychiatric disorders. Rapid advances in AI present a growing opportunity to use machine learning- based AI, especially computer vision (CV) with deep-learning neural networks, to shed new light on the field of cognitive neuroscience. I have to thank Xiaotao for the article! Enjoy your month and keep reading and experimenting