Computer Vision News - March 2021

We gave a few compliments to the community. Certainly, they deserve it. What are the things that you would like to change? The thing that is missing is collaboration, the bridges between applied and theoretical areas. For example, I’m dealing with medical challenges. It took me a little bit of time to really talk and be understood by the medical doctors. If you are a mathematician, like I am, you are not speaking the same language. Unfortunately, there is no translator between math, automation, machine learning, techniques, algorithms, and so on, with medical applications. I think it’s quite the same if you are talking with physicians, with chemists, or whatever specialist that you are meeting. What we need to do is really bridge the gap between the communities, to make them talk together, and give the mathematicians some clues about how to talk to doctors. Of course, the other way around is true. I’m very happy that you say that. This is very similar to what our magazine is trying to do, to bridge between the different areas in our community. I’m really happy to be in a medical school in France. As a mathematician, 28 Women in Computer Vision "Someone who is very, very, very interesting!"