Computer Vision News - March 2021
18 Computer Vision Tool Below there is an example of code which deals with loading images from ImageJ scripting interface or the scikit-image library, displaying them and applying some filters through PyImageJ, conversion to NumPy library and use of NumPy operations. # Start ImageJ with Fiji plugins ij = imagej.init('sc.fiji:fiji:2.0.0-pre-10') # Import a blood vessel image with scikit-image. url = ' _large/public/General_EduRes_Heart_BloodVessels_0.jpg' img = io.imread(url) img = np.mean(img, axis= 2 ) # Show image through ImageJ # Use ImageJ to run a feature enhancement algorithm to highlight vessels in image result = np.zeros(img.shape) sigma1 = 8 sigma2 = 2 ij.op ().filter().dog(,, sigma1, sigma2), cmap = 'PRGn') "It can be included in complex computer vision and machine learning pipelines, making it a uniquely versatile program."
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