Computer Vision News - March 2021

15 ImageJ With ImageJ, you can perform several different operations on images of any type, but the most common applications are in the fields of microscopy and imaging. We will have a look at some of these! Let’s start by loading the desired images using the drop-down File menu. The first examplewill showhow to measure areas and lengths frommanually selected portions of an image and save the results, which can be further analyzed through ImageJ itself or external tools. To calculate the diameter of the embryos in the image below, one just needs to go on the line icon and draw a line corresponding to the diameter of each embryo, then press Analyze -> Measure and the result will appear as first measurement on a new window called Results. A similar thing can be done to measure the areas of each embryo by clicking on the circle icon and again press on Analyze -> Measure. You can keep calculating all the desired values in a similar way and save them, once you are done by closing the Results window and press on the save option. ImageJ main toolbar