Computer Vision News - June 2021
4 Computer Vision Tool programming language. During the latest months, Julia is picking up in the scientific community by combining a very welcoming atmosphere and a great scientific place to work collaboratively. I would recommend using Pluto, as it’s a great tool to experiment with. Pluto is like the Jupyter Notebooks, just with a nicer interface and -most importantly - it re-executes the code that uses a variable, if that variable changes anywhere in the notebook! ConvNets Here is a video that will help with the visualisation and understanding of ConvNets. This is from MIT 6.S191 (which I totally recommend as an introduction to Deep Learning in general) and it is taught by Alexander Amini. C o n v N e t s u s i n g J u l i a a n d t h e F l u x m a c h i n e l e a r n i n g f r a m e w o r k How is everyone doing? As one side of the world starts getting into the summer season and the coronavirus vaccinations are stronger than ever and create an immune world, let’s remember that there are still places, like a big part of Africa that aren’t vaccinated at all. It is a complex issue but definitely it is worth thinking about, especially when living in such a connected world. A few months ago, I created a tutorial to explore the Julia A t e c h n i c a l r e v i e w
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