Computer Vision News - June 2021
335 IBM Watson Health completed a couple of years ago, supported by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) , to ensure that the AI and robotics platforms can communicate seamlessly without human intervention. “We are even working with the CSA and NASA to potentially build an autonomous medical robot for the Mars mission,” Dr. Anvari adds. “You can see that the same type of ideology behind this can not only improve care of patients on earth, but potentially on long space missions too. We are partnering with the main manufacturer of all the robotics for the space program - probably the most advanced robotic company in the world - to build a series of systems which will work with IBM Watson Health in various situations. But that’s as much as I can tell you!” IBM Watson Health have a history of partnering with different stakeholders. Back in 2018, John R. Smith told us about its partnership with MIT on the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab . “The way we push science forward is by partnering, hearing other opinions, and bringing other minds into play,” Maria tells us. Maria works in the imaging branch of IBM Watson Health, developing deep learning algorithms for detection, segmentation, and classification of medical images. “ We deal mostly with radiology images - right now, I’m working on prostate MRI, but we work on a wide variety of modalities. The best thing
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