Computer Vision News - June 2021

1721 Robotic-Assisted Surgeries Navigation is an essential part in any RAS. It is not always a straight- forward task, and different modules (endoscopies, laparoscopies) have different challenges in navigation. Deep learning algorithms can learn the desired paths and give real-time navigational instructions. During specific steps like biopsy or tumor removal , often additional real- time imaging modalities are used, such as US or fluoroscopy. These modalities are limited and have relatively poor image quality. Usually, a better-quality pre-op CT or MRI scan is available. Fusion of the real-time modality with the higher quality images can utilize the advantages of each and provide better guidance during the procedure. Simultaneously, the system can be trained to recognize and classify abnormal changes in anatomy, warn of areas which should be avoided and recommend preferred routes. The robot can highlight specific anatomies in the body, recommend which tools to use, what procedure is coming up, and give specific warnings relevant to the patient/process/ stage of the RAS. Additionally, it can provide diagnostic information and treatment suggestions . This robot can shorten the procedural time and significantly increase accuracy, as well as reduce the need for additional procedures. Further down the road, this ability can be extended to provide autonomous surgery. Similarly, to the concept of an autonomous car, the robot can perform the entire surgery based on the clinical input, while the surgeon supervises in case of need. Another aspect of quality training is reviewing procedures post-op to determine success and find weaknesses . Using the workflow analysis tool this step canbe conducted quickly and efficiently, saving time for the surgeon. Overall, harnessing the power and advancements of AI and computer visionwill significantly improve RAS. AI can improve performance during the procedure, and preparation, training, and post-op analysis can benefit from it. The assimilation of AI in Robotic- Assisted Surgery brings much hope and excitement to this field, and we look forward to it.