Computer Vision News - January 2021

Editorial 2 Dear reader, The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived – it’s January 2021 . On behalf of RSIP Vision , we take this time to wish all our readers and the community a very successful and happy New Year! This January issue of Computer Vision News includes a new section which we hope to continue called “ Congrats Doctor! ”. It promotes the impressive PhD work by a young AI scientist recently awarded a well-deserved doctoral degree. We will do our best to always choose remarkable candidates and papers and feel certain that our friends in academia will help us find and feature them in the magazine. I dare say that the last five years of this magazine prove we are lucky enough to always highlight exciting works! This month you will notice some focus on a field that we had not yet covered until now: Artificial Intelligence applied to urology. It is clear to all how breakthroughs in that area can become a lifeline for many patients so let’s give some deserved exposure to related papers and solutions. Enjoy reading this exciting January issue of Computer Vision News and bring us along for your next Deep Learning project! Computer Vision News Editor: Ralph Anzarouth Engineering Editors: Marica Muffoletto Ioannis Valasakis Head Designer: Rotem Sahar Publisher: RSIP Vision Contact us Free subscription Read previous magazines Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Follow us: Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News Marketing Manager , RSIP Vision