Computer Vision News - February 2021

The 1st Women at ICPR Workshop (W4PR) was held during the International Conference on Patt ern Recognition (ICPR) 2020 , with the aim of creating the opportunity for young and senior women scientists to interact and connect with each other. This workshop was built upon past social events (coffee break and lunch) for women organized at ICPR 2016 (Cancun) and ICPR 2018 (Beijing). Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation, this year ICPR was held online and all workshops and tutorials had a dedicated Zoom room to conduct all talks and interactions between participants. W4PR took place on the first day of the conference on January 329 ICPR 2020 Workshop W 4 P R : W o m e n a t I C P R W o r k s h o p by Marcella Cornia