Computer Vision News - December 2021
50 Women in Computer Vision matured you along the way to become the person you are now. I get this! Especially during my PhD, I would read this every single day. I feel very lucky that I went through this journey because it shaped me. I would go through it again, despite the sacrifices. Of all the things that you acquired during this journey, does one lesson stand out? The most important lesson was to not give up. People who decide to do a PhD are usually very good students. They don’t learn how it feels to fail. I was the best student at my school during all the years of my studies. I didn’t know how to fail. That’s not realistic because life is full of failures. Research, by definition, is like 80 percent failure. Of course, you will fail. If it were super easy, there would be no need to discover it! Someone would have done it already. We think that these are failures, but these are lessons to develop and learn to become better. We reject methods and move on to other methods. This is what I learned: don’t give up. Take every little failure as a lesson I didn’t know how to fail! One day you will reach your goal!
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