Computer Vision News - August 2021
37 Katja Heuer to my PhD. We have a super nice tool that can translate brain folding into sound! That may be a first step into that direction! [ laughs ] What message would you like to share? Working together is such a pleasure. I learn so much through the collaborations that we have. Studying the brain is super interesting, and you have more and more questions the further you go. It’s beautiful to have this opportunity to be curious and try to dive deeper and deeper and drive your own research. More than 100 inspiring interviews with successful Women in Computer Vision await for you in our archive! What about your love for dance? me to dance, but it’s not really related It’s always been really important for really accommodate everybody. They are so kind to everyone that wants to join, sharing data, sharing code, sharing ideas. I enjoy collabora � ng with people very much. With Roberto we have built neuroimaging tools to work online with scien � sts and ci � zen scien � sts – for example BrainBox. You just go to a web browser, and you open a webpage where you can browse through the brain. You see the brain slices and we can work together in segmen � ng di ff erent parts. There’s a chat, so that you can also come and say, “How can I help?” Everybody around the world can help.
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