Computer Vision News - April 2021

355 Frontiers in Computer Vision For now, both models survive, but many in the community are pushing for more publishers to move to open access. Marcello thinks that eventually they will succeed, but he is up for the challenge of standing out in a relatively crowded space. “I want this journal to become a venue where high-quality and possibly off-the-beaten-track papers get the visibility they deserve,” he says passionately. “That ’s my ambition and of course I ask my colleagues in the computer vision community to help contribute to this aim!” We wish Marcello good luck as we say our goodbyes. Here at Computer Vision News , we share the same spirit. We don’t believe that people should have to pay to read our content, which is free and accessible to all. “As I told you once, I like very much what you do because you show the human aspect of our work.” Thank you, Marcello, that is high praise indeed! “ … the effort I’m making to set up a great editorial board is unique…”