Computer Vision News - April 2021

“I don’t know of any other publisher or journal who has implemented this idea,” he says enthusiastically. “It’s really exciting, especially for young researchers. It’s a completely transparent system. When a paper gets published, you will have the name of the editor who handled the paper and the name of the reviewers. That’s really important, but it’s not commonplace.” Currently the Computer Vision section has a number of special issues – journal jargon for research topics – including Video Story Understanding, Perceiving Humans , and Differential Geometry ; Marcello says they are always on the hunt for new ideas. 254 Open-Access Journal Frontiers is a gold open-access publisher . This means authors (or rather, their institutions) help to pay for publications, as opposed to classical journals where the reader pays to subscribe. “I know there are arguments that if authors have to pay to publish their papers it will affect the quality of the journal,” Marcello remarks. “My reaction to that is to say: think about the major conferences in our field. As an author, you have to pay to register for those, but nobody says that the quality of CVPR, for example, is bad. If you have a good, high-profile editorial and reviewer board, the quality of the journal does not depend on the fact that you have to pay.”