Computer Vision News - April 2021

35 Frontiers in Computer Vision set up a high-profile editorial board featuring some of the most eminent names in computer vision, including Octavia Camps and Laura Leal-Taixé , whom our readers know well. I’d also add a few more names such as Sven Dickinson, Edwin Hancock, Dimitris Metaxas and more ... “I called on a lot of friends!” he laughs. When people submit their papers, they are assigned to an associate editor who will find at least three reviewers to read them and provide comments. “You will have your paper reviewed by experts in the field,” he reveals. “In my humble opinion, the effort I’m making to set up a great editorial board is unique in this sense, and among open-access journals it ’s one of our biggest strengths.” Reviewers work on a voluntary basis, which is standard practice. “Reviewers typically agree to review a paper in the first place because they want to do a service to the community ,” he explains. “By reviewing a paper in your area of expertise, you can learn new things and gain new ideas. As a reviewer myself, I have had this experience. It can take up a lot of time though, so I do sometimes have to say no!” The review process itself differs to what people might be used to – it is faster, and authors can interact directly with reviewers, who stay anonymous until papers are accepted, so you aren’t waiting months to read and respond to a review of your work. It is more of a conversation. This interactive process means things move much faster and being an open-access journal, once work is published, anyone anywhere in the world can read it, which is great for visibility. “These journals are popular and very good in terms of impact factor.”